Heal. Grow. Thrive.


Introductory Session:

After you have made initial contact with me via email, I usually suggest a free, 15 minute introductory on-line chat so you can tell me what you’d like to get from therapy and understand how we might work together. The most important aspect of counselling is the therapeutic relationship; this is a chance to get to know each other before committing to sessions. On agreement of our working together,  I will send you a contract to complete prior to commencement of sessions as well as your initial payment. I offer a review after the first 4 sessions to check-in with each other to ensure both of us are happy to continue with the therapy.

What Happens Then:

I offer the space to be yourself and talk openly about whatever you like in a trusted, confidential, and safe environment. There is no set pattern or formula to follow, instead we’ll work in a way that is suitable for you and at a pace at which you are comfortable. We talk about whatever it is you want to bring to the sessions, whenever you are ready to. I don’t decide what is important, you do.

Session Structure:

Committing to weekly 50-minute counselling sessions, on the same day and time each week, provides a framework and momentum that is both effective and reassuring. You can end your sessions whenever you feel it is appropriate, ideally allowing for a final session to facilitate a supportive therapeutic ending. I charge you for a weekly slot that is reserved for you. If you miss a session the charge still applies.


Sessions are confidential and this confidence will be maintained and applied to all records, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. However, if during the course of our work together I consider you likely to pose an immediate risk of danger or serious harm to yourself or others, or commit a serious crime, it may be necessary for me to talk about this outside of our sessions, for example, with my supervisor, your GP or the Police. Where appropriate, I would talk to you about this first.


Face to face sessions take place in my private home clinic. I do not have a waiting room so kindly ask that you arrive and leave your session on time, respecting other clients who may be leaving / waiting. I am also happy to conduct sessions online, although under current ethical guidelines for online psychotherapy, I may recommend alternative avenues of support if you are experiencing significant distress.

How To Contact Me:

hello@numbersixteen.org or admin@numbersixteen.org

How To Find Me:

No16 Counselling, 16 Old Shoreham Road, Hove BN3 6ET

My clinic room is on Old Shoreham Road (look for the coral coloured door) opposite the Bhasvic playing fields between Glendale and Ferndale Road. Please note this address is in Hove and not nearby Brighton or Southwick, where the same address repeats.

Car: Pay & Display available on nearby Ferndale and Glendale Road (Zone O 9am-8pm).

Train: Brighton Mainline: 0.9 miles or Hove: 0.8 miles.

Bus: Montefiore Road North, Montefiore Road South and Silverdale Road.